Thursday, January 2, 2014

Names of God by Christina Rich

There is something special and unique about knowing the specific names of God. For my first Biblical romance I did a lot of research on the names of God only to discover that I really couldn't use them since the reader may not know or understand their meaning. Even after all the reading I've done I still can't remember the few I've tried to memorize.

Fortunately, I have this beautiful banner that I received from a Christian television network. It hangs on my wall next to my bed. I love it, not just because of the beautiful royal colors of purple and gold but because the Names of God are written in Hebrew, English, and then in the Hebrew Script. Ms. Linda Harris also shared with me a wonderful link that has some beautiful PDFs, including a Names of God chart that I printed off on photo paper and have hanging in my room.

Adonai ~ Total authority

Elohim ~ Creator, all knowing God

Immanuel ~ God with us!

Jehovah or YHWH ~ This is the I AM spoken of to Moses in Exodus 3:14-15 God said to Moses:
I am the eternal God. So tell them that the Lord, whose name is “I Am,” has sent you. This is my name forever, and it is the name that people must use from now on. (CEV)

From there we have many Jehovah variations. 

Jehovah-Rophi ~ I AM Healer

Jehovah - Tsidkeini ~ I AM Righteousness

Jehovah - Rohi ~ I AM Shepherd 

Jehovah - Yirei ~ I AM Provider

Jehovah - Shlomi ~ I AM Peace

Jehovah - Nissi ~ I AM Banner

I've use most of these during my time of prayer, especially Jehovah-Rophi when calling out for healing from my husband as well as others, but my most favorite one is Jehovah Nissi. I've used it often in prayer because it seems to cover any and all situations. 

By the way, I was able to use YHWH a few times in my manuscript, which made this author very happy. 

Which of these names really sets home with you?

When she was younger, Christina tried to dig herself to China, loved Three Billy Goats Gruff, and had an obsession with maps. She gave up her dig to China but still jumps at the chance to travel even if it’s just down the road. She loves watching modern takes of fairytales and mythologies on the big screen and still has a huge obsession with maps. The older the better.
Born and raised in Kansas, where she currently lives with her husband and children, Christina loves to read stories with happily ever afters, research,  take photos, knit scarves, dig into her ancestry, fish, visit the ocean, write stories with happily ever afters and talk about her family and Jesus. 

Her debut novel, The Guardian’s Promise, releases from Love Inspired March 2014.


  1. Good morning Christina, I have a picture that was given to me about God and all the names, hanging in dining room near grandfather clock, it is beautiful but I like knowing all those names too. with all his beautiful names it seems it comes down to "I Am".....
    thanks for sharing today on this post.

    Happy New Year
    Paula O(

    1. Hey Paula, I have a picture with all those names on it too, and it is in my dining room! LOL. Is yours long and Narrow? I love mine too!

    2. Paula, it does seem to come down to I AM, I guess that's because HE is. ;) Love his beautiful names, love hearing them in Hebrew too.

  2. Hi Christina, I have to say Jehovah - Rohi ~ I AM Shepherd resounds within me. A Shepherd watches his flock, loves all his lambs individually and is always there for them. Love it :) Thanks for sharing... very beneficial to know.

    1. Rhonda, just saying his name when I read your comment gave my shivers.So beautiful.

  3. Immanuel (God With Us) means much to me since we've just come through the Christmas season and the Christ child is born among us. Thanks for your post. I have sent for the names of God list you mentioned online. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Sharon, I thought Immanuel would, and it's one so many are familiar with. I wish I could take credit for the online link, but Linda Harris sent it to me in an email when she saw I was doing this post. It's beautiful printed out on gloss.

  4. Great post, Christina! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sorry to be so late ... Wanted to let you know I think the combination names are lyrical to the point of poetry. Wishing you the best with your book.


  6. We lived in Israel for a year and heard children calling their father's "Abba." I love thinking of God as our Father, Abba.

    Great post!

    1. Vickie, you know I'm really green over the fact you've lived there and I've never stepped foot in the country, right? ;)

  7. Debbie the pic with names of God is really not too long and thin, it is 20 w X 24 L, almost a burshished copper color frame...I have always liked it...

    Paula O

  8. Congratulations, Rhonda, you won a copy of The Guardian's Promise.
