Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mail Order Grooms in History – with Giveaway -- by Donna Schlachter

Courtesy of "Brief History of the World's First Dating Bureau"

Most people have heard of mail order brides, and there are many novels written on that subject. In most scenarios, a woman answers an advertisement or notice for unmarried women to travel to a particular location because of a need for more women of marriageable age there.

The premise for why women are in high demand and low supply, particularly in historical settings, can range from rough living conditions, such as Alaskan mining towns or Oregonian logging camps; a local disaster, such as sailors lost at sea or an epidemic; and even global catastrophes, such as war.

In these books, the women sometimes pay a fee, or are compensated for their travel, or often pay their own way, because they want to leave where they are to go somewhere else. Some escape poor home situations, some run from undesirable fiancés, some simply seek adventure. Often the desire to marry a man of their own ethnicity spurred the response.

But have you ever heard of a mail order groom? Those are scarcer than hen’s teeth.

Or are they?

Perhaps one difference between the situations is that for a woman to post a notice requiring a mail order groom, she would need to be independent of her family’s influence, especially for a historical setting. Prior to World War II, women were treated as though they needed a man in authority in their lives, moving from father to brother and ultimately to husband, with little to no say in her own life choices.

For the premise of such a woman seeking a husband, she’d also need a current life situation that could support a husband. Men tend not to marry a destitute woman, no matter how beautiful she might be.

In the Mail-Order Papa series, the premise is that an eligible woman needs a husband for her children, and the man needs or wants a family.

Photo by Rachel Claire: Photo by Rachel Claire:
As I considered my book, I recalled a story I’d heard about a woman who received seven marriage proposals on the walk from the cemetery, where she’d just buried her husband, back to her home in the town. I didn’t need seven—simply one unfathomable choice would suffice.

For the man, I needed to make him desperate enough to answer the notice, yet he couldn’t be a loser. No strong woman would marry a loser when she could choose a man her equal. 

So, for a mail order groom or a mail order bride story to touch our readers, both main characters must be strong, honorable, and driven to be better together than they would be alone.

Sounds like the perfect situation for a romance!

Here’s a short description of my story:

She needs a man. He needs a new life. How bad could it be?

Kingston Marchmont flees Australia in search of a new life—and a new opportunity to prove he isn’t the man wrongfully convicted and transported.

Kinsella Jackson struggles to raise her four children following her husband’s mysterious death. Did he jump? Was he pushed? Or was it an accident?

You can check out the book, which releases December 30th, here: and check out the rest of the series here:

About Donna:

A hybrid author, Donna writes squeaky clean historical and contemporary
suspense. She has been published more than 60 times in books; is a member of several writers groups; facilitates a critique group; teaches writing classes; ghostwrites; edits; and judges in writing contests. She loves history and research, traveling extensively for both, and is an avid oil painter. She is taking all the information she’s learned along the way about the writing and publishing process, and is coaching committed career writers. Learn more at Check out her coaching group on FB:

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  1. Thank you for posting today and Happy New Year to you and yours! Just out of curiosity I Googled mail order grooms and found out that this type of thing is even going on today. Of course, it's a bit more sophisticated with the use of online websites, etc. And I am positive that scams abound.

    1. Thanks, Connie. Yes, mail order brides and grooms are still happening. Good luck in the drawing.

  2. I love the idea of this series. A great switch on mail-order brides. Sounds like an awesome series. Thanks for your post on more about mail order men

  3. Hi Rory, yes, a great switch on brides. And not so much heard of. Good luck in the drawing.
