Thursday, February 15, 2024

Mid-Month Madness!

We will be giving away books so be sure to pay attention about how to enter. To enter for a chance to win, you MUST leave a comment WITH your EMAIL and you MUST ask one or more of the authors a question you’d like to know about them, their writing, or their books.

We are looking forward to getting to know you better and hope you’ll get to know us better, too!

Be sure to drop by the Facebook Party ( for a chance to mingle with the authors, and nab even more great giveaways!

The party is today from 5:00 to 7:15 PM Eastern Time.

Dial V for Valentine

Valentine’s Day is perfect for a wedding. If only the bride will agree.

Celeste Hardwicke has just opened her law practice when she finally accepts Fergus’s marriage proposal. Not to worry. She has plenty of time to set a date, then plan the wedding. Until she doesn’t. But a quickie wedding isn’t what she has in mind. Besides, why get married when the groom will ship out after the ceremony? When she stumbles on her great-grandmother’s diary from World War II, she discovers the two of them share the same predicament.

Cactus Lil’s Big City Debut

Lily Duncan Golding—a.k.a. Cactus Lil—heads to New York City for her honeymoon and her publishing debut. Peter Golding—a.k.a. the City Slicker—arrives triumphantly in the Big City.

When they arrive and learn of Uncle Phillip’s mysterious disappearance, Peter and Lily are pulled into the dark underside of the Big City, then thrust onto the front pages of the newspapers as ‘persons of interest’ in the investigation.

Can they survive the onslaught of attention on themselves, their marriage, and the seedy side of the publishing industry? Can they survive? Period? Or can they discover who is behind this nefarious act, save Uncle Phillip--and themselves?

Light Out of Darkness

A prestigious art exhibition turns into a horrific spectacle when a murder sends an art curator and a professor on a hunt for a highly coveted stolen painting. Jamie Holbrooke's past in Ohio follows her to Italy when an assailant, who looks like her dead brother, presses a mysterious riddle into her hand. Still reeling the next day and clueless about what the riddle means, she discovers that her long-time paragon, Dr. Alessandro Marianni, may have a link to the enigmatic riddle. But when their colleague falls prey to an assassin's bullet, they must risk their lives to discover why an obscure painting has caught the attention of art critics and criminals alike.

The Petros Journals

Witness the Gospel story from an entirely new perspective, through the eyes of one Petros the Rock, one of Jesus' closest followers. Like us, he struggled along the journey, but in the end, he witnessed many incredible things that turned his world upside down. Come, join the biblical journey and experience some of the most popular historical accounts through the eyes of someone who was actually there. Embrace a New Gospel Story, today.

The Lamp

Will God hear their cries and grant them a future together, or will deadly occurrences tear them apart forever?

England, 1849. Beatrice Beckwith is an orphaned young lady living with her aunt. On the brink of her deepest wish coming true, her plans unexpectedly collapse. Then, a startling discovery and an outbreak of cholera set in motion a series of catastrophic events, plunging her into even bleaker darkness.

Isaac Taylor is forced to leave Miss Beckwith just as he's arranged a meeting to propose. His deceased great-uncle's derelict house needs restoration. But dust is not his only enemy, and a web of secrets soon entangles him.

A Cherished Betrothal

Patriot Ranger Alexander Morris vowed revenge on the warrior who killed his brother and father. Elspeth Lawrence, a survivor of the same massacre whose sister was taken captive, teaches Cherokee children at her father’s school. She’s never stopped longing for the boy who saved her that fateful day, but when their paths are reunited on the eve of revolution in the South Carolina backcountry, more than her wealthy Loyalist suitor stands in the way. Alex can’t remember the massacre, or Elspeth, but his hatred for the Cherokees he’s been ordered to court as allies threatens to choke out the seeds of love and healing.

Love’s Final Sunrise

Once the huntress—she is now the hunted
New Yorker Ruth Jessup and Amish-bred Joshua Stutzman live in different worlds. But their lives collide into catastrophic proportions as they battle wits against a psychopath and the New World Order.
Fleeing for her life and suffering from amnesia, she finds herself in an hourglass of yesteryear. No televisions, radios, cell phones, or computers, only buggies and cook stoves. If not for Joshua, Ruth would be lost and homeless.
Can Joshua’s Amish ways help them survive these next three-and-one-half years? And without the mark of the beast, will they escape the executioner’s axe?

She’erah’s Legacy

She’erah is a woman trying to leave her mark in a man’s world. Her vision and ability surpasses her father’s, yet she remains second-in-command as they are tasked to build Pharaoh’s outposts in Canaan. The last place She’erah expects support is from her charioteer, but Lateef is the lone voice of encouragement. Acts of sabotage threaten the construction and the shaky foundation of She’erah’s pride. It’s up to She’erah to break generations of rivalry, distrust, and jealousy—if she can learn to rely on the strengths and abilities of those around her to help.

Linda Shenton Matchett writes happily-ever-after historical Christian fiction about second chances and women who overcome life’s challenges to be better versions of themselves. Follow the journeys of relatable characters whose faith is sorely tested, yet in the end, emerge triumphant. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, Linda was born a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry (of Star-Spangled Banner fame) and has lived in historical places all her life. She now lives in central New Hampshire where she is a volunteer docent and archivist at the Wright Museum of WWII.

A hybrid author, Donna Schlachter writes squeaky clean historical and contemporary suspense. She has been published more than 60 times in books; is a member of several writers groups; facilitates a critique group; teaches writing classes; ghostwrites; edits; and judges in writing contests. She loves history and research, traveling extensively for both, and is an avid oil painter. She is taking all the information she’s learned along the way about the writing and publishing process, and is coaching committed career writers.

Donna Wichelman worked as a communications professional before turning to full-time writing. Her short stories and articles have appeared in Focus on the Family Magazine, Standard Publishing, LIVE Magazine, and a devotional for mothers and daughters. She has two indie-published contemporary suspense books, Light Out of Darkness and Undaunted Valor available at Amazon. She also contributes her monthly blog to Heroes, Heroines and History. Donna lives in Colorado with her husband of thirty-nine years, and they serve in ministries at her local church. They bike, travel, kayak, and love spending time with their grandchildren.

Matthew James Elliott (M.J. Elliott) is a passionate writer who loves to encourage and inspire others. He has served in various ministry roles for over 15 years, giving him a unique perspective on people and Biblical History. Matthew holds a degree in Biblical Studies from OkWU, focusing on Pastoral Care, Christian Education, and Worship. Matthew is happily married to Traci. Their three joyfully inspired children are Leyla, Caleb, and Hannah. His goal as a writer is to share love, equip others, and edify them for the greater good. Connecting scripture to his stories is one of his biggest passions.

Edwina Kiernan is the Christian author of six novels, four of which are award-winning. An enthusiast of classic novels and history, Edwina combines her faith, imagination and research in hope-infused tales set in times past. She is a committed follower of Jesus (the Living Word), and endeavors to use her pen to point others to Him. When she’s not writing, Edwina loves spending time with her dashing husband and lively little son, reading and studying the Bible, getting lost in a captivating novel and drinking more types of tea than most people realize even exist. 

Denise Weimer writes historical and contemporary romance from her home in North Georgia and also serves as a freelance editor and the Acquisitions & Editorial Liaison for Wild Heart Books. A wife and mother of two daughters, she always pauses for coffee, chocolate, and old houses.

Catherine Ulrich Brakefield is an award-winning author of the inspirational historical romances Wilted Dandelions and Destiny Series: Swept into Destiny, Destiny’s Whirlwind, Destiny of Heart, and Waltz with Destiny. Her newest book is Love’s Final Sunrise. She has written Images of America; The Lapeer Area, and Images of America: Eastern Lapeer County. Her short stories have been published in Guidepost Books, Baker Books, Revell, CrossRiver Media, and Bethany House Publishers. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and the Great Lakes Chapter (ACFW GLC). Catherine lives with her husband of 51 years, has two adult children, and four grandchildren.

Author of Biblical fiction, avid reader, pastor's wife, Naomi Craig loves reading the Bible and imagining how things were at the time. When she’s not serving in various areas at church or trying to stay on top of mountains of dishes, you'll most likely find her enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee. Naomi co-hosts #BehindTheStory on YouTube and helps facilitate Biblical Fiction Aficionados Community on Facebook. When not writing or trying to wrangle social media, Naomi attempts to get her rescue dog to be cute on command for the many pics she takes throughout the day.


  1. Good morning, and it looks like we have another great lineup of featured books for Mid Month Madness! My question is for all of the authors....since we are halfway through the month of love, as February is called, what is your favorite Valentine treat? bcrugATtwcDOTcom

    1. Hi Connie! This year my daughter made Tiramisu for Bible Study (Tues) and Raspberry Lemon Bars for Yesterday. Both are AMAZING!!! If I had to choose between the two, I'd go Tiramisu. Coffee for the win!

    2. Hi Connie! Great question! I agree with Donna - chocolate is a winner!

    3. Probably something with red velvet in it. On my birthday, my wife usually makes this Red Velvet Cookie Cake with white chocolate chips. I love it!!!

  2. I agree with Conne…Another wonderful lineup of books and sweet authors. For all authors who would like to answer, my question is: Which of your own books is dearest to your heart? Not necessarily your favorite—because that is like asking a parent which child is their favorite—but which book is extra special to you. For example, God gave you a personal message via your own writing. God bless all of you.


    1. Hi Roxanne, My Biblical Fiction Ezekiel's Song (about the prophet Ezekiel and his wife) is nearest and dearest to my heart. Ezekiel's Prophetic ministry didn't begin until they were exiles in Babylon, yet his primary message was to those still in Jerusalem. To top it all off, the Lord symbolically paralyzed him and made him mute. How was he meant to deliver a message a world away? Reading a little further, We find that Ezekiel had a wife. Suddenly it all made sense. My husband is a pastor and there was a time where I had to take up the slack when he could not

    2. Though I have a contract on my current historical romance series, the book dearest to my heart is Light Out of Darkness. The story of the faith and valor of this ancient pre-reformation group of persecuted Christians caught my heart from the start.

    3. Roxanne, it's Love's Final Sunrise. I guess because of the Biblical research I poured into this. I have always been fasinated about Revelations and if the end of times is as near as people think it is.

    4. Hi Connie, I am so happy to see you here! I got to say, my favorite is a box of dark chocolates loaded with nuts.

    5. Hi Roxanne, "Cactus Lil's Big City Debut" is currently the book that spoke loudest to me recently, because there is a character who seems unredeemable, but God reminded me that Jesus died for all, so this character meets Jesus. I was thrilled to write that part of the scene!

    6. Hi Roxanne! One of my first books, Love's Harvest, was very special. It is a retelling of the book of Ruth, and there were several "God Moments" as I was researching and writing. He seemed to line everything up for me so I could tell the story. And Ruth is one of my favorite books of the Bible.

    7. I have two. My newest release, Finding Philemon is an episodic series and there are portions of that story I never could have thought up with our Gods guidance. It speaks to me on a very deep level. The second one is more selfish, Its my Christmas Devotional "Reflecting Christmas" The second edition has tidbits from my oldest daughter added to it and its like what I wrote about the Christmas Symbols, but from her perspective.

  3. Hello Authors!

    What do you most enjoy about attending writer conferences?


    1. Meeting people with the same passion for writing that I have and developing long-term friendships. It's truly fun to see people from other regions who return time after time.

    2. Hi Caryl, yes, I agree with Donna, meeting new people. And learning new writing skills.

    3. Hi Caryl, I love reconnecting with old friends and meeting folks I only know online.

    4. Definitely the people for me. Writing can be solitary, so I love swapping stories and experiences with others.

    5. I have never actually been to a writers conference, but one day I would love the chance.

  4. Hi Caryl! glad you are here. In this season of my life I mostly find writing tips and industry news and marketing tips on youtube or podcasts, which is amazing, because I can be working on story structure when I'm doing dishes

  5. Hi Connie, I got to say, my favorite is a box of dark chocolates loaded with nuts.

  6. Question from Licha Haney who is having trouble logging in to comment: Do your book characters talk to you, and if they do have you had to change something in the story because of it? Thank you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Not sure what happened there, LOL. My characters haven't really spoken to me in that sense, but I have felt something about them when I writing something they would say or do, that has changed the direction of the story.

    3. Like Matthew my characters haven't spoken to me as such, and even though I outline my stories, sometimes as I'm writing, the dialog flows in a direction I hadn't anticipated, and I follow it to see where it goes. I usually end up keeping most of it.

  7. My question to anyone is - Do you have a favorite place to do your writing?

    1. I love to write, late a night with the fireplace on and some instrumental music playing in the background. I also love writing in my backyard sitting at our picnic table.

    2. This answer is on behalf of Denise Weimer. Blogger is being naughty and she's unable to post her responses. When the weather is pretty, my back porch is covered and overlooks a wooded ravine. I feel the most inspiration closer to nature.

    3. My office is my favorite because it looks into the woods in our backyard. I often see deer wander through, and we have lots of birds too. Very inspiring and restful at the same time.

    4. Like Linda, it's my office because it overlooks my horse pasture.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. In the summer, I love to sit on my deck where I have some great views that are inspirational. In the winter, it's my daughter's former bedroom I've turned into my office. :)

  10. Thanx for the party!!!! My question to all is...who is your favorite author and genre to read? j4hibdon at yahoo dot com

    1. I really enjoy stuff by Gene Edwards, he has a series "First-Century Diaries" which is written during the New Testament Church and while fiction, it really did give me some good perspective.

    2. I love historical fiction (not a surprise!) and even though WWII is my favorite era, I read books set in any era. Heather Blanton is my favorite (she writes westerns) because her characters are so complex, and I'm amazed at the way she weaves in the gospel message.

    3. My go to favorite is Mesu Andrews! love her Biblical Fiction

  11. Like to read anything with a Christian theme and a good plot.

    1. Then you've come to the right place, Catherine. :) All of our historicals are Christian themed. I hope you get the chance to read many of them.
