Friday, June 28, 2024

Midway Station and The Pony Express Museum -- by Donna Schlachter

Midway Station -- currently

I started talking about Midway Station in February 2024 (click here if you missed that post). And while the book doesn’t release until August 31, 2024, the pre-order is up to order the ebook version here

During the process of writing the book, I came across some interesting facts about Midway Station. One is that Midway Station is actually on private property.

Second, it was a home station, which changed my story a little, and is contrary to what I posted in February. But that’s the joy of research – sometimes, looking deeper reveals new information and new stories. Now I had to account for riders coming through, riding east or west. Which meant I needed somewhere for them to sleep. And a corral for horses. Land to grow feed on. Papa Wes became a landowner, farmer, and rancher.

And third, the station is less than two miles from Gothenburg. Which means a short ride to town for supplies, the law, or a doctor. All of which get worked into the story.

I also learned that the next home station is at Fremont Springs, which is three miles west of Hershey. And in total, there are only about fifty-seven miles between Midway and Fremont. That means a short day’s ride from one to the other, leaving plenty of time for characters to get into trouble.

Gothenburg Station (NPS)

Another fact of note: there never was a Pony Express station in Gothenburg, yet it is home to one of the most popular stations along the trail. In fact, another building was moved from a way station to save the structure from demolition. After a number of years, somebody formed the Gothenburg Pony Express Station.

While not much bigger than a small cabin, the museum is bulging with artifacts, stories, and almost-long memories. It receives about 40,000 visitors per year, every year, as it promotes the Pony Express and shares history with folks along the way. You can check out the museum here

About Hearts of Midway:

Cecilia Hammond works for her aged grandparents, but longs to become a lawman—a law woman—like her sheriff father. She prefers riding a horse to sitting in a parlor, and she despises petticoats and such frippery, preferring dungarees.

Denver Jenkins rides into town, looking for a job and hiding a secret. He hires on with the Pony Express, and is assigned to train with a young man named Cec. Denver has good reasons to change his name. One that could get him killed if the wrong people found out. Hoping that riding with the Express will disguise his real reason for being in the Gothenburg area—cattle rustling—he’s also interested in the pretty gal he spots at the Midway Home Station—Cecilia. She’d be a good addition to his new persona. Then he spots her twin brother Cec elsewhere—in town, and, of course, on the Pony Express Trail. Could he use his friendship with her brother to gain her trust?

Cecilia and Denver strive to keep their individual secrets. Will they lower their defenses and enlist the help of the other? Or will they struggle on alone?

About Donna:

A hybrid author, Donna writes squeaky clean historical and contemporary suspense. She has been published more than 60 times in books; is a member of several writers groups; facilitates a critique group; teaches writing classes; and judges in writing contests. She loves history and research, traveling extensively for both, and is an avid oil painter. She is taking all the information she’s learned along the way about the writing and publishing process, and is coaching committed career writers. Learn more at Check out her coaching group on FB: Stay connected so you learn about new releases, preorders, and presales, as well as check out featured authors, book reviews, and a little corner of peace. Plus: Receive 2 free ebooks simply for signing up for our free newsletter!





  1. Thank you for posting today. I'm enjoying your info about the Pony Express.

  2. Interesting article! I will read your Pony Express series. I live close to Marysville KS, which has an original Pony Express barn and is only 10 miles or so from the Hollenberg Station (close to Hanover, KS) The Pony Express barn is now a Pony Express museum. If you are ever in the area, you might enjoy it.

  3. Thanks! We have been to Marysville several times, and the lady who ran the AirBnB we stayed in had a gift shop downtown and carried our books. Her name is Mary :) My first book on the PE was set at Hollenberg, and the museum in Gothenberg carries my books, too -- mine were the first fiction they ever carried :)
