Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Spotlight: Penny Zeller

Penny Zeller here with a look into my writing life and what led me to become an author. Thank you so much for joining me. 

I was bitten by the writing bug at seven and began penning stories about a dog’s adventures. For a writing assignment, I wrote my own second-grade Bible story commentary of sorts for “kids.” In fourth grade, I “published” my fictional stories in homemade wallpaper-covered cardboard books. A poem published in a national magazine and a Young Author’s Award sealed the deal and thus began my dream of becoming an author.


Later, when my daughters were babies, I began writing for national and regional publications. One day, I was interviewing a prominent doctor by telephone for a health article. My youngest daughter chose that moment to begin playing her toy accordion loud and clear, the strains echoing throughout the house. The doctor politely mentioned, “I seem to hear some static on your end.” It was all I could do not to laugh at the “static” of my toddler daughter’s accordion-playing skills.

Magazine articles soon gave way to writing books, beginning with a children’s book and followed by 77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference: Ideas and Activities for Serving Others, which took me on a whirlwind adventure of appearing on TV shows, speaking engagements, and numerous interviews.

Two years later, the Lord led me to write my first love—Christian romance—when my Christian historical romance, McKenzie, was written during a particularly rough time recovering from a car accident. It was a thrilling day I’ll never forget when I received an email from Whitaker House Publishers. They had accepted not only McKenzie, but they subsequently offered a contract for my three-book Montana Skies Series. Thus began my dream of writing Christian romances.

I realized early on that I would be spending time predominantly in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana for my books. My Wyoming Sunrise Series encompasses five books and just wrapped up with Love’s Promise this past March. I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time since then in Idaho with my Horizon Series. Dreams on the Horizon, which recently released on June 25. Ruby and Jake’s story in Beyond the Horizon has been begging to be transferred from my mind to paper and will release in November. 

What’s next on the agenda? The Horizon Series will conclude in 2025 with Love Beyond the Horizon. Love in Store, a fun story and the second in my Hollow Creek Series releases in December. I’m excited to be a part of a multi-author project with my novella Heart of Courage, where we’ll once again return to Montana.

I am passionate about using the gift of the written word to glorify Jesus and provide happy endings in a world that can sometimes be full of pain. Thank you for joining me on this journey!
Now, I’d love to hear from you! When did you first develop a love for reading? What is your favorite genre? I will choose one person (limited to U.S. addresses only) to receive a copy of their choice of one of the following books: Love’s New Beginnings, Forgotten Memories, Dreams of the Heart, Love’s Promise, Over the Horizon, Dreams on the Horizon, Love in Disguise, Levi’s Vow, Love from Afar, Love Unforeseen, or Love Most Certain.

If you’d like to snag a free copy of An Unexpected Arrival, please go here.

Have a blessed day and happy reading!


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  1. Back in the early 90's. YA is my favorite gene takes you to the unknown in some books.

  2. Welcome to the HHH blog! Thanks for telling us about your writing journey. I started reading as a child, and have always loved mystery and suspense. There are writers of "women private investigator" stories that I have followed for years and years. When I became a Christian in my late 20's I read a lot of Christian non-fiction and reading has always been my relaxation zone. Nowadays I read lots of historical fiction by Christian authors and Amish stories, but I don't rule out any book that sounds interesting!

  3. I remember that I enjoyed reading from second grade on, but especially in fourth grade when it became my favorite pastime. My favorite genre is Christian historical.
