Friday, September 13, 2013


Patricia PacJac Carroll here again to talk about manners.
As you can see by my wonder dog, Jacs, 
He needs a lesson in manners.

Doesn't take much, just the word chicken, his favorite treat, brings his ears up.

If only our attitude adjustments were so easily fixed .   : ) 

The old west was not tamed by the gun but rather by good women - the wives and mothers. These women brought manners to the wild and wooly men of countless towns and forced them to act accordingly. 

Back in the day, children learned about manners as a part of their schooling.

Parents saw to it that their children learned how to be polite so they could fit into society's ways. 

To the degree of a parent's rise in society, the  more manners children were required to learn. Some were even sent to schools to acquire the etiquette necessary for their status.

Remember Miss Manners? She's still around.  Miss Manners on the Internet. 
If you want to know more than please and thank you give her a look.

Our society has tumbled from the genteel manners of old into the rude 24/7 talking heads and unsocial Internet platforms of fb, twitter, and more. 

I think there are many who could benefit by giving Miss Manners a look.

Thank you all for your kind words and for visiting my post. This is my last one for now. But I hear that a very special author will be taking my spot. So stop in on October 13 for a surprise.  

Blessings all.  I'll be having surgery on Sept 24th. Prayers are appreciated.  But don't worry.  I have it on good authority that I'll be just fine.  God has His hand on me.  


  1. Wonderful post! Will miss hearing from you. I'll be praying for you. Is Little Folks From Etiquette Town a real book? Would love to read it. Sounds interesting!
    tscmshupe [at] pemtel [dot] net

    1. HI Sally,
      The book was one my mother had as a little girl.

    2. That is so great! I have a couple of books my great-grandmother had. I'm so glad they got passed down!

  2. This is a great post. I am with you, manners are definitely missing in many and people need a good dose! Children should be taught and some wives are still trying to teach those stubborn husbands a thing or two about manners. Ha! Ha! Good luck with your surgery and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Thank you.

  3. How true! I will be praying for your surgery and recovery!

  4. Wonderful post. Will miss you and will be praying for you. God Bless!
    Barbara Thompson

  5. I really agree on the lack of manners these days with cell phones in use at the dinner table, on the sidewalk, in the car, and while trying to have a conversation with your grandkids! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. I really agree on the lack of manners these days with cell phones in use at the dinner table, on the sidewalk, in the car, and while trying to have a conversation with your grandkids! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  7. Hi, Patricia!

    I certainly agree that there are many that could use Miss Manners - too bad etiquette isn't taught in the schools today. Maybe a little more consideration for others would result in less violence.

    Sending prayers for guidance with the surgeon's hands, peace, & a speedy recovery for you! Thanks for the post!
