Friday, December 30, 2016

By Susan Page Davis, Erica Vetsch, Vickie McDonough, & more

Meet the seven Hart brothers of the 7-Heart ranch in central Texas. Each man is content in his independent life, without the responsibilities of a wife and children—until their father decides 1874 will be the year his grown sons finally marry, or they will be cut from his will. How will each man who values his freedom respond to the ultimatum? Can love develop on a timeline, or will it be sacrificed for the sake of an inheritance?

by Susan Page Davis

Debra loves her new job at the police station until she learns someone is trying to sabotage the entire detectives’ un

By Linda Farmer Harris

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 1926 — Cordelia Moulton searches for self-identity and finds that love is as sure as the spring grass under the winter snowflakes.

by Martha Rogers

Kari Benson’s Marine fiancĂ© died in Afghanistan and she is determined to steer clear of any military man. While in Hawaii to commemorate her grandparents’ anniversary in the same chapel where they married and Pearl Harbor Memorial recognition of her great-grandfather, she meets Lieutenant Spencer Langston who is the public affairs Navy officer assigned to escort them to all activities. With her grandmother's matchmaking ideas, Kari finds herself falling for Spencer. Will she be willing to fall overboard to be rescued by Spencer or grab her life-jacket and hang on to the past?


  1. Seven Brides for Seven Texans is on my TBR list. So many great books to read and review but not enough to read all of the new releases. I'm trying to write a review for each book I read.

  2. Thank you for the link to the information on New Years. I will have to try some of the foods and ideas.
    I think about making the usual resolutions every year, but don't. It would be one more list I don't get to finish. I haven't heard of any really unusual resolutions.

    I hope you all have a Great 2017! It sounds like you will be providing us some good books to read. I look forward to reading 7 Brides For 7 Texans.
