From the turbulent seas of Ireland to the restless shores
of New York; from the coal mines of Pittsburgh to the swamp-infested marshes of
Tennessee. From the Erie and New Basin Canals to thousands of railroad tracks—the
Irish immigrant carved their indelible mark upon America.
Ireland’s great potato famine caused a massive wave of Irish emigration to America. The Irish were seeking freedom from British tyranny. Many of the Irish songs like “The Wearin’ of the Green” speak of the Irish plight.
Leaving their homeland, they endured the cramped, conditions of the ship Dunbrody. On arrival, they were herded onto Ellis Island, and then quarantined. When freed, they saw only these signs in store windows: “No Irish Need Apply.”
refugees arrived in America destitute, almost 650,000 in New York alone! Sadly,
60 percent of children born to Irish immigrants in Boston died before the age
of six. Irishmen took life-threatening jobs that were too dangerous for anyone
else to do.
were desperate. They accepted work that could kill, cripple, or damage their
health for a measly one dollar a day. There were plenty of hazardous jobs that
snatched the prime from youth and left them with debilitating bodies, or worse,
death. Slaves were valuable and Irishmen were dispensable. For instance, in the
antebellum South, slave owners considered slaves valuable property and Blacks
were prohibited from doing any hazardous work. No such restrictions were
designated for the homeless immigrant. So, the dangerous jobs were left to the
There is a saying that goes something like this, “An Irishman is buried beneath every tie.” They are also buried in mass graves in Duffy’s Cut, PA., and Funks Grove, IL.

Business owners were indifferent if Irish laborers died by the thousands. There was plenty more to replace them. It is estimated that 8,000 to 30,000 Irish laborers are believed to have died from cholera and yellow fever, brought on by the life-threatening work of building the New Basin Canal in New Orleans during the late 1830s. It wasn’t until 1990 a Celtic cross was dedicated to the thousands of men who died in the 1830s. It reads: “In memory of the Irish immigrants who dug the New Basin Canal, 1832-1838, this Celtic cross carved in Ireland has been erected by the Irish Cultural Society of New Orleans.”
of the Irishman’s poor status, the Civil War Conscription Law forced the Irish
to fight in a war that others could pay their way out of fighting. Free black
men could volunteer to fight; however, they were not drafted or forced to fight
because they were protected by the Emancipation Proclamation.
the Irish families’ dreams were crushed beneath these hard conditions in their
adopted country. Still, the Irish immigrants served bravely in the Civil War
and in both armies. They were repeated targets for public and military
discrimination. However, they refused to give up. Persevering through
unimaginable barriers due to their nationality, they doggedly pursued their
beliefs, and overcame the prejudices and poverty. How, you ask, did they do
the gravesites of the mass grave in Funks Grove, Illinois, and upon
the stately hills of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, you will find a Celtic Cross. Not
the engravings of their fearless leaders, not an iron spike, or fist, or snake,
just a cross and a wolfhound.

Celtic Cross at Gettysburg is located at the south of Gettysburg on the south side
of Sickles Avenue just before the beginning of The Loop in the Rose Woods.
The Irish immigrant and countless other
immigrants, American Indians, slaves, men, women, and children bondservants were
discriminated against. They starved on reservations, worked in sweatshops, mill
shops, and cotton fields.
Those who persevered held a common goal—they
believed. That belief has come to be known as The American Dream.
The Irish perseverance is an example of
what embodied our ancestors to greatness. The grit, determination, and
inspiration to rise above a lowly station in life. Not by might, but by their belief
in a God who listens, sees, and rewards. If not in this life, then in eternity.
The Irish came off the Dunbrody Famine Ship with nothing, like so many other immigrants
that came after them.
The Celtic Cross, the symbol of the Irish’s
staunch faith in Jesus Christ, carried many an Irishman through the hardships
they endured.
This nation of the people, by the
people, and for the people can only be as good as the people who embody it.
Youth, dreams, and life are fleeting. The
True American Dream lies in Christ Jesus. He alone holds the key to Liberty and
Truth. “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and
where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2
Corinthians 3:17 NKJV)
Ben McConnell in Swept
into Destiny is a proud Irish immigrant who is determined not to give
up in spite of hunger and deprivation that haunt his steps. He has a distaste
for the English and rich landowners of Ireland and America. He clings to this
hope—the three mustard seeds his father brought from Ireland—and claims Matthew
17:20 “…if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed…nothing will be impossible.”
Maggie Gatlan is English and a rich Southern belle. She’s a rebel disguised in
frilly clothes and prefers riding astride rather than sidesaddle. She refuses
to allow her countrymen to dictate to her conscience. Ben’s and Maggie’s
journeys delve deeply into the truth about faith and devotion.
Catherine says, “My
readers inspire my writing!”
Catherine is an award-winning author of the inspirational historical romances Wilted Dandelions and Destiny of Heart. Her popular Destiny series includes: Swept into Destiny, Destiny’s Whirlwind, Destiny of Heart, and Waltz with Destiny.
She has written Images of America; The Lapeer Area, and Images of America: Eastern Lapeer County.
Her short stories have been published in Guidepost Books,
Baker Books, Revell, CrossRiver Media, and Bethany House
She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers
(ACFW), President of the Great Lakes Chapter (ACFW GLC).
Catherine lives with her husband of 45 years, has two adult children, and
four grandchildren.
See for more information about her books.
I had no idea there is a marker in Illinois. I will have to check it out. These Irish died while building the railroad. Proud of my forefathers.
ReplyDeleteI know! Me too. And what I like most is that they were not afraid to show American their faith in Christ Jesus. We can all learn something from that. Especially now.
DeleteI've always loved stories of the Irish immigrants. I fear the novelists I have read prettied up the harsh conditions. I never realized that they held lower status than slaves. Tragic! Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteThank you. You would love Swept into Destiny, which covers this and more wrapped around a inspirational true-to-life love story! Check it out!
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed many of your books. For anyone who has not read them they are very good. I enjoyed this historical recounteing of these hardships of the Irish. Great article
ReplyDeleteThank you Rory Lemond!