Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Is the Biblical Joseph Documented in Egyptian History?

 By Naomi Craig

Historical Medical Exhibition; cover representing Imhotep Wellcome Wikimedia

Imhotep is listed in Egyptian history as the world's first documented polymath (gifted in many areas). He is known for his contributions in stone carving, architecture, alchemy, astronomy, higher education. He is even deified for his work in medicine centuries later.

What catches my attention with startling accuracy to the Biblical account of Joseph, is how Imhotep saved the nation of Egypt from a seven-year famine by interpreting Pharaoh's dream.

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream, c. 1896-1902, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot, Wikimedia

A statue of Imhotep, labeled with his many titles, was found in Pharaoh Djoser's step pyramid (architecture attributed to Imhotep) at the Saqqara complex. His wooden coffin faced north--indicating he was a foreigner--and was empty. If you recall in Exodus, the Hebrews took the bones of Joseph as they left Egypt.

The Famine Stele, in the island of Sehel, near Aswan, Egypt, Wikimedia

Many documentations of Imhotep revolve around the seven year famine. The Famine Stele was carved during the Ptolemaic Period (332-30BC) depicting the famine that happened hundreds of years earlier. Interesting enough, it also depicts the land grant the priests had from Djoser and Imhotep making them exempt from the taxes.

Saqqara stone pillars, Ancient Egypt, Wikimedia

On the southern side of the Saqqara complex, there was a narrow entrance. These pillars carved from stone created natural cubbies, large enough for a cashier to collect the money for grain (see the man in the light blue shirt tucked away?). The customer was then taken back to the granaries, where a runner would descend the stairs to collect the allotted grain based on the size of the customer's bag. The customers then filed out, returning as they ran out of grain.

There are so many astounding facts about Imhotep, but I will leave you with this: The primary silo at Saqqara (designed by Imhotep) was fed by eleven other silos in a downward motion. As the level of grain depleted in the main granary, the others filtered grain into it to replenish it. 
One grain superior to the eleven others? Sound familiar?

There is one potential flaw in the theory that Imhotep and Joseph are the same guy. Originally Imhotep and Pharaoh Djoser's timeline was assigned around 2600 BC and that doesn't line up with the Bible timeline. Lately, however, some Egyptologists are beginning to think the timelines they had followed COULD be inaccurate and different Pharaohs/dynasties could have been reigning at the same time.

What do you think? Could Joseph and Imhotep have been the same guy?

For further study visit 

Joseph in Egypt- The Research and Discoveries of Ron Wyatt
Joseph the architect of the First Pyramid and How the Pyramids Were Built

As tragedy ravages the camp, can She’erah step up and complete the outpost?

She’erah is a woman trying to leave her mark in a man’s world. Her vision and ability surpasses her father’s, yet she remains second-in-command as they are tasked to build Pharaoh’s outposts in Canaan. She knows she is worthy of the task, but her clan is skeptical.

The last place She’erah expects support is from her charioteer, but Lateef is the lone voice of encouragement. His integrity and steadfastness is a plumb-line in She’erah’s life and she can no longer deny her growing feelings for him.
Acts of sabotage threaten the construction and the shaky foundation of She’erah’s pride. It’s up to She’erah to break generations of rivalry, distrust, and jealousy—if she can learn to rely on the strengths and abilities of those around her to help.

Will she learn to trust God and others before her life’s legacy comes crumbling down around her?

Author of Biblical fiction, avid reader, pastor's wife, Naomi loves reading the Bible and imagining how things were at the time. When she’s not serving in various areas at church or trying to stay on top of mountains of dishes, you'll most likely find her enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee. Naomi co-hosts #BehindTheStory on YouTube and helps facilitate Biblical Fiction Aficionados Community on Facebook. When not writing or trying to wrangle social media, Naomi attempts to get her rescue dog to be cute on command for the many pics she takes throughout the day.

Preorder She'erah's Legacy here 


  1. Wonderful information about Joseph. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Thank you for posting this morning. You pose a very interesting question and I'm not sure how it could be verified.

    1. Right! It's hard to tell, but I love that there is verification of the Bible throughout other sources

  3. Fascinating. I love when archeologist find proof that civilizations and people in the Bible existed.
