__By Tiffany Amber Stockton__

In September, the pack horse librarians and the WPA got a nod here on my day of the month through mention of a play performed at a special location. I promised I'd return this month with more information about the Pioneer Playhouse, and here it is!
Bringing Broadway to the Bluegrass!
Given the nickname of "Theatre Under the Stars," The Pioneer Playhouse in Danville, Kentucky exists as the creative endeavor of Col. Eben C. Henson, who founded the playhouse in 1950 and, with a team, hand built it from recycled materials spanning 200 years. Through Henson's family lines, the playhouse has four generations of ties to the town of Danville. They just closed on their 75th season.
Henson wanted to bring big city theatre to a small town, following a movement at the time to offer summer stock theatre outside of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Actors there could come to outdoor theatres such as the Pioneer Playhouse to spread their acting wings. They gained additional skills working with local actors and others from around the country, and entertained audiences who otherwise might never see a live play. At one time, rooms flanking either side of the outdoor stage housed actors for the summer—ladies on one side and gentlemen on the other.
Notable alumni include John Travolta, Lee Majors, and Jim Varney. In 1962, it received the honor of the first theater in the nation to gain legal status as a State Theater. The open-air performances offer a unique experience, complete with rustic charm and 19th Century antiques, including a box office used in a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor (Raintree County - 1956) and an authentic log cabin in a movie featuring Kris Kristofferson (Pharoah's Army - 1995).
As an added bonus, attendees can enjoy dinner before the performance, a meal served with southern hospitality in a comfortable outdoor seating area. The Old Danville Firehouse bell announces dinner, and live music accompanies the meal, lending additional charm to the rustic setting.
After Henson's 2004 death, his widow Charlotte and daughter Holly ran the theater, with Holly as artistic director until her 2012 death. Robby Henson, another sibling, then took over as artistic director, and his sister Heather became managing director. Charlotte, who selected plays, passed away in February of this year, but her children continue to keep the legacy alive.
* Have you ever viewed a live play performed in an outdoor space? Where?
* Are there any outdoor theatres in your area?
* Do you enjoy live plays or performances? If so, what is your favorite venue?
** This note is for our email readers. Please do not reply via email with any comments. View the blog online and scroll down to the comments section.
Come back on the 9th of each month for my next foray into historical tidbits to share.
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Currently, she lives with her husband and fellow author, Stuart Vaughn Stockton, along with their two children, one dog, and three cats in southeastern Kentucky. In her 20+ years as a professional writer, she has sold twenty-six (26) books so far and has agent representation with Tamela Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. You can find her on Facebook and GoodReads.
* Are there any outdoor theatres in your area?
* Do you enjoy live plays or performances? If so, what is your favorite venue?
** This note is for our email readers. Please do not reply via email with any comments. View the blog online and scroll down to the comments section.
Come back on the 9th of each month for my next foray into historical tidbits to share.
For those interested in my life as an author and everyday gal, what I'm currently reading, historical tidbits, recommended reads, and industry news about other authors, subscribe to my monthly newsletter. The latest edition was just sent out last week. Receive a FREE e-book of Magic of the Swan just for subscribing.
Tiffany Amber Stockton has embellished stories since childhood, thanks to a very active imagination and notations of talking entirely too much. Honing those skills led her to careers as an award-winning, best-selling author and speaker, while also working as a professional copywriter/copyeditor. She loves to share life-changing products and ideas with others to help improve their lives in a variety of ways, but especially from the inside out.Currently, she lives with her husband and fellow author, Stuart Vaughn Stockton, along with their two children, one dog, and three cats in southeastern Kentucky. In her 20+ years as a professional writer, she has sold twenty-six (26) books so far and has agent representation with Tamela Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. You can find her on Facebook and GoodReads.
Thank you for posting today. I don't know about any outdoor venues. I have been to a couple live plays, aside from the high school performances of my grandchildren.